When you’re the speaker (or in charge of scripting the speaker) at a reception or event, your preparation may typically include drafting a brief welcome, followed by a report on all the good news from your nonprofit. If you’re experienced you will include some stories about the impact private support has on your mission and programs.
At the end you (or the speaker you have coached) will invite questions from your audience, hoping some stimulating and informative conversations will come from the anticipated exchange.
Here’s a tip – don’t ask your audience for questions. Ask them a question:
Why did you come? What did you learn? What would you like to know more about? What’s YOUR story? Use the occasion you created.
You can ask these questions of the group or individually, at least of those few you pre-selected to engage with during the event. Either way you create opportunities for your constituents to tell you WHY they care about your nonprofit, what it means to them.
WHY is vital. Remember that your end goal is to persuade someone to give something away. That’s a purely emotional choice. Everything else is detail.